var __create = Object.create; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => { target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}; const to = isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target; for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(mod)) if (!, key)) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => mod[key], enumerable: true }); return to; }; var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => () => (mod || cb((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports); // node_modules/mithril/render/vnode.js var require_vnode = __commonJS((exports, module) => { function Vnode(tag, key, attrs, children, text, dom) { return { tag, key, attrs, children, text, dom, domSize: undefined, state: undefined, events: undefined, instance: undefined }; } Vnode.normalize = function(node) { if (Array.isArray(node)) return Vnode("[", undefined, undefined, Vnode.normalizeChildren(node), undefined, undefined); if (node == null || typeof node === "boolean") return null; if (typeof node === "object") return node; return Vnode("#", undefined, undefined, String(node), undefined, undefined); }; Vnode.normalizeChildren = function(input) { var children = []; if (input.length) { var isKeyed = input[0] != null && input[0].key != null; for (var i = 1;i < input.length; i++) { if ((input[i] != null && input[i].key != null) !== isKeyed) { throw new TypeError(isKeyed && (input[i] != null || typeof input[i] === "boolean") ? "In fragments, vnodes must either all have keys or none have keys. You may wish to consider using an explicit keyed empty fragment, m.fragment({key: ...}), instead of a hole." : "In fragments, vnodes must either all have keys or none have keys."); } } for (var i = 0;i < input.length; i++) { children[i] = Vnode.normalize(input[i]); } } return children; }; module.exports = Vnode; }); // node_modules/mithril/render/hyperscriptVnode.js var require_hyperscriptVnode = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var Vnode = require_vnode(); module.exports = function() { var attrs = arguments[this], start = this + 1, children; if (attrs == null) { attrs = {}; } else if (typeof attrs !== "object" || attrs.tag != null || Array.isArray(attrs)) { attrs = {}; start = this; } if (arguments.length === start + 1) { children = arguments[start]; if (!Array.isArray(children)) children = [children]; } else { children = []; while (start < arguments.length) children.push(arguments[start++]); } return Vnode("", attrs.key, attrs, children); }; }); // node_modules/mithril/util/hasOwn.js var require_hasOwn = __commonJS((exports, module) => { module.exports = {}.hasOwnProperty; }); // node_modules/mithril/render/hyperscript.js var require_hyperscript = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var Vnode = require_vnode(); var hyperscriptVnode = require_hyperscriptVnode(); var hasOwn = require_hasOwn(); var selectorParser = /(?:(^|#|\.)([^#\.\[\]]+))|(\[(.+?)(?:\s*=\s*("|'|)((?:\\["'\]]|.)*?)\5)?\])/g; var selectorCache = {}; function isEmpty(object) { for (var key in object) if (, key)) return false; return true; } function compileSelector(selector) { var match, tag = "div", classes = [], attrs = {}; while (match = selectorParser.exec(selector)) { var type = match[1], value = match[2]; if (type === "" && value !== "") tag = value; else if (type === "#") = value; else if (type === ".") classes.push(value); else if (match[3][0] === "[") { var attrValue = match[6]; if (attrValue) attrValue = attrValue.replace(/\\(["'])/g, "$1").replace(/\\\\/g, "\\"); if (match[4] === "class") classes.push(attrValue); else attrs[match[4]] = attrValue === "" ? attrValue : attrValue || true; } } if (classes.length > 0) attrs.className = classes.join(" "); return selectorCache[selector] = { tag, attrs }; } function execSelector(state, vnode) { var attrs = vnode.attrs; var hasClass =, "class"); var className = hasClass ? attrs.class : attrs.className; vnode.tag = state.tag; if (!isEmpty(state.attrs)) { var newAttrs = {}; for (var key in attrs) { if (, key)) newAttrs[key] = attrs[key]; } attrs = newAttrs; } for (var key in state.attrs) { if (, key) && key !== "className" && !, key)) { attrs[key] = state.attrs[key]; } } if (className != null || state.attrs.className != null) attrs.className = className != null ? state.attrs.className != null ? String(state.attrs.className) + " " + String(className) : className : state.attrs.className != null ? state.attrs.className : null; if (hasClass) attrs.class = null; vnode.attrs = attrs; return vnode; } function hyperscript(selector) { if (selector == null || typeof selector !== "string" && typeof selector !== "function" && typeof selector.view !== "function") { throw Error("The selector must be either a string or a component."); } var vnode = hyperscriptVnode.apply(1, arguments); if (typeof selector === "string") { vnode.children = Vnode.normalizeChildren(vnode.children); if (selector !== "[") return execSelector(selectorCache[selector] || compileSelector(selector), vnode); } vnode.tag = selector; return vnode; } module.exports = hyperscript; }); // node_modules/mithril/render/trust.js var require_trust = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var Vnode = require_vnode(); module.exports = function(html) { if (html == null) html = ""; return Vnode("<", undefined, undefined, html, undefined, undefined); }; }); // node_modules/mithril/render/fragment.js var require_fragment = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var Vnode = require_vnode(); var hyperscriptVnode = require_hyperscriptVnode(); module.exports = function() { var vnode = hyperscriptVnode.apply(0, arguments); vnode.tag = "["; vnode.children = Vnode.normalizeChildren(vnode.children); return vnode; }; }); // node_modules/mithril/hyperscript.js var require_hyperscript2 = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var hyperscript = require_hyperscript(); = require_trust(); hyperscript.fragment = require_fragment(); module.exports = hyperscript; }); // node_modules/mithril/render/domFor.js var require_domFor = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var delayedRemoval = new WeakMap; function* domFor({ dom, domSize }, { generation } = {}) { if (dom != null) do { const { nextSibling } = dom; if (delayedRemoval.get(dom) === generation) { yield dom; domSize--; } dom = nextSibling; } while (domSize); } module.exports = { delayedRemoval, domFor }; }); // node_modules/mithril/render/render.js var require_render = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var Vnode = require_vnode(); var df = require_domFor(); var delayedRemoval = df.delayedRemoval; var domFor = df.domFor; module.exports = function() { var nameSpace = { svg: "", math: "" }; var currentRedraw; var currentRender; function getDocument(dom) { return dom.ownerDocument; } function getNameSpace(vnode) { return vnode.attrs && vnode.attrs.xmlns || nameSpace[vnode.tag]; } function checkState(vnode, original) { if (vnode.state !== original) throw new Error("'vnode.state' must not be modified."); } function callHook(vnode) { var original = vnode.state; try { return this.apply(original, arguments); } finally { checkState(vnode, original); } } function activeElement(dom) { try { return getDocument(dom).activeElement; } catch (e) { return null; } } function createNodes(parent, vnodes, start, end, hooks, nextSibling, ns) { for (var i = start;i < end; i++) { var vnode = vnodes[i]; if (vnode != null) { createNode(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling); } } } function createNode(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling) { var tag = vnode.tag; if (typeof tag === "string") { vnode.state = {}; if (vnode.attrs != null) initLifecycle(vnode.attrs, vnode, hooks); switch (tag) { case "#": createText(parent, vnode, nextSibling); break; case "<": createHTML(parent, vnode, ns, nextSibling); break; case "[": createFragment(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling); break; default: createElement(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling); } } else createComponent(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling); } function createText(parent, vnode, nextSibling) { vnode.dom = getDocument(parent).createTextNode(vnode.children); insertDOM(parent, vnode.dom, nextSibling); } var possibleParents = { caption: "table", thead: "table", tbody: "table", tfoot: "table", tr: "tbody", th: "tr", td: "tr", colgroup: "table", col: "colgroup" }; function createHTML(parent, vnode, ns, nextSibling) { var match = vnode.children.match(/^\s*?<(\w+)/im) || []; var temp = getDocument(parent).createElement(possibleParents[match[1]] || "div"); if (ns === "") { temp.innerHTML = "" + vnode.children + ""; temp = temp.firstChild; } else { temp.innerHTML = vnode.children; } vnode.dom = temp.firstChild; vnode.domSize = temp.childNodes.length; var fragment = getDocument(parent).createDocumentFragment(); var child; while (child = temp.firstChild) { fragment.appendChild(child); } insertDOM(parent, fragment, nextSibling); } function createFragment(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling) { var fragment = getDocument(parent).createDocumentFragment(); if (vnode.children != null) { var children = vnode.children; createNodes(fragment, children, 0, children.length, hooks, null, ns); } vnode.dom = fragment.firstChild; vnode.domSize = fragment.childNodes.length; insertDOM(parent, fragment, nextSibling); } function createElement(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling) { var tag = vnode.tag; var attrs = vnode.attrs; var is = attrs &&; ns = getNameSpace(vnode) || ns; var element = ns ? is ? getDocument(parent).createElementNS(ns, tag, { is }) : getDocument(parent).createElementNS(ns, tag) : is ? getDocument(parent).createElement(tag, { is }) : getDocument(parent).createElement(tag); vnode.dom = element; if (attrs != null) { setAttrs(vnode, attrs, ns); } insertDOM(parent, element, nextSibling); if (!maybeSetContentEditable(vnode)) { if (vnode.children != null) { var children = vnode.children; createNodes(element, children, 0, children.length, hooks, null, ns); if (vnode.tag === "select" && attrs != null) setLateSelectAttrs(vnode, attrs); } } } function initComponent(vnode, hooks) { var sentinel; if (typeof vnode.tag.view === "function") { vnode.state = Object.create(vnode.tag); sentinel = vnode.state.view; if (sentinel.$$reentrantLock$$ != null) return; sentinel.$$reentrantLock$$ = true; } else { vnode.state = undefined; sentinel = vnode.tag; if (sentinel.$$reentrantLock$$ != null) return; sentinel.$$reentrantLock$$ = true; vnode.state = vnode.tag.prototype != null && typeof vnode.tag.prototype.view === "function" ? new vnode.tag(vnode) : vnode.tag(vnode); } initLifecycle(vnode.state, vnode, hooks); if (vnode.attrs != null) initLifecycle(vnode.attrs, vnode, hooks); vnode.instance = Vnode.normalize(, vnode)); if (vnode.instance === vnode) throw Error("A view cannot return the vnode it received as argument"); sentinel.$$reentrantLock$$ = null; } function createComponent(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling) { initComponent(vnode, hooks); if (vnode.instance != null) { createNode(parent, vnode.instance, hooks, ns, nextSibling); vnode.dom = vnode.instance.dom; vnode.domSize = vnode.dom != null ? vnode.instance.domSize : 0; } else { vnode.domSize = 0; } } function updateNodes(parent, old, vnodes, hooks, nextSibling, ns) { if (old === vnodes || old == null && vnodes == null) return; else if (old == null || old.length === 0) createNodes(parent, vnodes, 0, vnodes.length, hooks, nextSibling, ns); else if (vnodes == null || vnodes.length === 0) removeNodes(parent, old, 0, old.length); else { var isOldKeyed = old[0] != null && old[0].key != null; var isKeyed = vnodes[0] != null && vnodes[0].key != null; var start = 0, oldStart = 0; if (!isOldKeyed) while (oldStart < old.length && old[oldStart] == null) oldStart++; if (!isKeyed) while (start < vnodes.length && vnodes[start] == null) start++; if (isOldKeyed !== isKeyed) { removeNodes(parent, old, oldStart, old.length); createNodes(parent, vnodes, start, vnodes.length, hooks, nextSibling, ns); } else if (!isKeyed) { var commonLength = old.length < vnodes.length ? old.length : vnodes.length; start = start < oldStart ? start : oldStart; for (;start < commonLength; start++) { o = old[start]; v = vnodes[start]; if (o === v || o == null && v == null) continue; else if (o == null) createNode(parent, v, hooks, ns, getNextSibling(old, start + 1, nextSibling)); else if (v == null) removeNode(parent, o); else updateNode(parent, o, v, hooks, getNextSibling(old, start + 1, nextSibling), ns); } if (old.length > commonLength) removeNodes(parent, old, start, old.length); if (vnodes.length > commonLength) createNodes(parent, vnodes, start, vnodes.length, hooks, nextSibling, ns); } else { var oldEnd = old.length - 1, end = vnodes.length - 1, map, o, v, oe, ve, topSibling; while (oldEnd >= oldStart && end >= start) { oe = old[oldEnd]; ve = vnodes[end]; if (oe.key !== ve.key) break; if (oe !== ve) updateNode(parent, oe, ve, hooks, nextSibling, ns); if (ve.dom != null) nextSibling = ve.dom; oldEnd--, end--; } while (oldEnd >= oldStart && end >= start) { o = old[oldStart]; v = vnodes[start]; if (o.key !== v.key) break; oldStart++, start++; if (o !== v) updateNode(parent, o, v, hooks, getNextSibling(old, oldStart, nextSibling), ns); } while (oldEnd >= oldStart && end >= start) { if (start === end) break; if (o.key !== ve.key || oe.key !== v.key) break; topSibling = getNextSibling(old, oldStart, nextSibling); moveDOM(parent, oe, topSibling); if (oe !== v) updateNode(parent, oe, v, hooks, topSibling, ns); if (++start <= --end) moveDOM(parent, o, nextSibling); if (o !== ve) updateNode(parent, o, ve, hooks, nextSibling, ns); if (ve.dom != null) nextSibling = ve.dom; oldStart++; oldEnd--; oe = old[oldEnd]; ve = vnodes[end]; o = old[oldStart]; v = vnodes[start]; } while (oldEnd >= oldStart && end >= start) { if (oe.key !== ve.key) break; if (oe !== ve) updateNode(parent, oe, ve, hooks, nextSibling, ns); if (ve.dom != null) nextSibling = ve.dom; oldEnd--, end--; oe = old[oldEnd]; ve = vnodes[end]; } if (start > end) removeNodes(parent, old, oldStart, oldEnd + 1); else if (oldStart > oldEnd) createNodes(parent, vnodes, start, end + 1, hooks, nextSibling, ns); else { var originalNextSibling = nextSibling, vnodesLength = end - start + 1, oldIndices = new Array(vnodesLength), li = 0, i = 0, pos = 2147483647, matched = 0, map, lisIndices; for (i = 0;i < vnodesLength; i++) oldIndices[i] = -1; for (i = end;i >= start; i--) { if (map == null) map = getKeyMap(old, oldStart, oldEnd + 1); ve = vnodes[i]; var oldIndex = map[ve.key]; if (oldIndex != null) { pos = oldIndex < pos ? oldIndex : -1; oldIndices[i - start] = oldIndex; oe = old[oldIndex]; old[oldIndex] = null; if (oe !== ve) updateNode(parent, oe, ve, hooks, nextSibling, ns); if (ve.dom != null) nextSibling = ve.dom; matched++; } } nextSibling = originalNextSibling; if (matched !== oldEnd - oldStart + 1) removeNodes(parent, old, oldStart, oldEnd + 1); if (matched === 0) createNodes(parent, vnodes, start, end + 1, hooks, nextSibling, ns); else { if (pos === -1) { lisIndices = makeLisIndices(oldIndices); li = lisIndices.length - 1; for (i = end;i >= start; i--) { v = vnodes[i]; if (oldIndices[i - start] === -1) createNode(parent, v, hooks, ns, nextSibling); else { if (lisIndices[li] === i - start) li--; else moveDOM(parent, v, nextSibling); } if (v.dom != null) nextSibling = vnodes[i].dom; } } else { for (i = end;i >= start; i--) { v = vnodes[i]; if (oldIndices[i - start] === -1) createNode(parent, v, hooks, ns, nextSibling); if (v.dom != null) nextSibling = vnodes[i].dom; } } } } } } } function updateNode(parent, old, vnode, hooks, nextSibling, ns) { var oldTag = old.tag, tag = vnode.tag; if (oldTag === tag) { vnode.state = old.state; =; if (shouldNotUpdate(vnode, old)) return; if (typeof oldTag === "string") { if (vnode.attrs != null) { updateLifecycle(vnode.attrs, vnode, hooks); } switch (oldTag) { case "#": updateText(old, vnode); break; case "<": updateHTML(parent, old, vnode, ns, nextSibling); break; case "[": updateFragment(parent, old, vnode, hooks, nextSibling, ns); break; default: updateElement(old, vnode, hooks, ns); } } else updateComponent(parent, old, vnode, hooks, nextSibling, ns); } else { removeNode(parent, old); createNode(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling); } } function updateText(old, vnode) { if (old.children.toString() !== vnode.children.toString()) { old.dom.nodeValue = vnode.children; } vnode.dom = old.dom; } function updateHTML(parent, old, vnode, ns, nextSibling) { if (old.children !== vnode.children) { removeDOM(parent, old, undefined); createHTML(parent, vnode, ns, nextSibling); } else { vnode.dom = old.dom; vnode.domSize = old.domSize; } } function updateFragment(parent, old, vnode, hooks, nextSibling, ns) { updateNodes(parent, old.children, vnode.children, hooks, nextSibling, ns); var domSize = 0, children = vnode.children; vnode.dom = null; if (children != null) { for (var i = 0;i < children.length; i++) { var child = children[i]; if (child != null && child.dom != null) { if (vnode.dom == null) vnode.dom = child.dom; domSize += child.domSize || 1; } } if (domSize !== 1) vnode.domSize = domSize; } } function updateElement(old, vnode, hooks, ns) { var element = vnode.dom = old.dom; ns = getNameSpace(vnode) || ns; updateAttrs(vnode, old.attrs, vnode.attrs, ns); if (!maybeSetContentEditable(vnode)) { updateNodes(element, old.children, vnode.children, hooks, null, ns); } } function updateComponent(parent, old, vnode, hooks, nextSibling, ns) { vnode.instance = Vnode.normalize(, vnode)); if (vnode.instance === vnode) throw Error("A view cannot return the vnode it received as argument"); updateLifecycle(vnode.state, vnode, hooks); if (vnode.attrs != null) updateLifecycle(vnode.attrs, vnode, hooks); if (vnode.instance != null) { if (old.instance == null) createNode(parent, vnode.instance, hooks, ns, nextSibling); else updateNode(parent, old.instance, vnode.instance, hooks, nextSibling, ns); vnode.dom = vnode.instance.dom; vnode.domSize = vnode.instance.domSize; } else if (old.instance != null) { removeNode(parent, old.instance); vnode.dom = undefined; vnode.domSize = 0; } else { vnode.dom = old.dom; vnode.domSize = old.domSize; } } function getKeyMap(vnodes, start, end) { var map = Object.create(null); for (;start < end; start++) { var vnode = vnodes[start]; if (vnode != null) { var key = vnode.key; if (key != null) map[key] = start; } } return map; } var lisTemp = []; function makeLisIndices(a) { var result = [0]; var u = 0, v = 0, i = 0; var il = lisTemp.length = a.length; for (var i = 0;i < il; i++) lisTemp[i] = a[i]; for (var i = 0;i < il; ++i) { if (a[i] === -1) continue; var j = result[result.length - 1]; if (a[j] < a[i]) { lisTemp[i] = j; result.push(i); continue; } u = 0; v = result.length - 1; while (u < v) { var c = (u >>> 1) + (v >>> 1) + (u & v & 1); if (a[result[c]] < a[i]) { u = c + 1; } else { v = c; } } if (a[i] < a[result[u]]) { if (u > 0) lisTemp[i] = result[u - 1]; result[u] = i; } } u = result.length; v = result[u - 1]; while (u-- > 0) { result[u] = v; v = lisTemp[v]; } lisTemp.length = 0; return result; } function getNextSibling(vnodes, i, nextSibling) { for (;i < vnodes.length; i++) { if (vnodes[i] != null && vnodes[i].dom != null) return vnodes[i].dom; } return nextSibling; } function moveDOM(parent, vnode, nextSibling) { if (vnode.dom != null) { var target; if (vnode.domSize == null) { target = vnode.dom; } else { target = getDocument(parent).createDocumentFragment(); for (var dom of domFor(vnode)) target.appendChild(dom); } insertDOM(parent, target, nextSibling); } } function insertDOM(parent, dom, nextSibling) { if (nextSibling != null) parent.insertBefore(dom, nextSibling); else parent.appendChild(dom); } function maybeSetContentEditable(vnode) { if (vnode.attrs == null || vnode.attrs.contenteditable == null && vnode.attrs.contentEditable == null) return false; var children = vnode.children; if (children != null && children.length === 1 && children[0].tag === "<") { var content = children[0].children; if (vnode.dom.innerHTML !== content) vnode.dom.innerHTML = content; } else if (children != null && children.length !== 0) throw new Error("Child node of a contenteditable must be trusted."); return true; } function removeNodes(parent, vnodes, start, end) { for (var i = start;i < end; i++) { var vnode = vnodes[i]; if (vnode != null) removeNode(parent, vnode); } } function removeNode(parent, vnode) { var mask = 0; var original = vnode.state; var stateResult, attrsResult; if (typeof vnode.tag !== "string" && typeof vnode.state.onbeforeremove === "function") { var result =, vnode); if (result != null && typeof result.then === "function") { mask = 1; stateResult = result; } } if (vnode.attrs && typeof vnode.attrs.onbeforeremove === "function") { var result =, vnode); if (result != null && typeof result.then === "function") { mask |= 2; attrsResult = result; } } checkState(vnode, original); var generation; if (!mask) { onremove(vnode); removeDOM(parent, vnode, generation); } else { generation = currentRender; for (var dom of domFor(vnode)) delayedRemoval.set(dom, generation); if (stateResult != null) { stateResult.finally(function() { if (mask & 1) { mask &= 2; if (!mask) { checkState(vnode, original); onremove(vnode); removeDOM(parent, vnode, generation); } } }); } if (attrsResult != null) { attrsResult.finally(function() { if (mask & 2) { mask &= 1; if (!mask) { checkState(vnode, original); onremove(vnode); removeDOM(parent, vnode, generation); } } }); } } } function removeDOM(parent, vnode, generation) { if (vnode.dom == null) return; if (vnode.domSize == null) { if (delayedRemoval.get(vnode.dom) === generation) parent.removeChild(vnode.dom); } else { for (var dom of domFor(vnode, { generation })) parent.removeChild(dom); } } function onremove(vnode) { if (typeof vnode.tag !== "string" && typeof vnode.state.onremove === "function"), vnode); if (vnode.attrs && typeof vnode.attrs.onremove === "function"), vnode); if (typeof vnode.tag !== "string") { if (vnode.instance != null) onremove(vnode.instance); } else { var children = vnode.children; if (Array.isArray(children)) { for (var i = 0;i < children.length; i++) { var child = children[i]; if (child != null) onremove(child); } } } } function setAttrs(vnode, attrs, ns) { if (vnode.tag === "input" && attrs.type != null) vnode.dom.setAttribute("type", attrs.type); var isFileInput = attrs != null && vnode.tag === "input" && attrs.type === "file"; for (var key in attrs) { setAttr(vnode, key, null, attrs[key], ns, isFileInput); } } function setAttr(vnode, key, old, value, ns, isFileInput) { if (key === "key" || key === "is" || value == null || isLifecycleMethod(key) || old === value && !isFormAttribute(vnode, key) && typeof value !== "object" || key === "type" && vnode.tag === "input") return; if (key[0] === "o" && key[1] === "n") return updateEvent(vnode, key, value); if (key.slice(0, 6) === "xlink:") vnode.dom.setAttributeNS("", key.slice(6), value); else if (key === "style") updateStyle(vnode.dom, old, value); else if (hasPropertyKey(vnode, key, ns)) { if (key === "value") { if ((vnode.tag === "input" || vnode.tag === "textarea") && vnode.dom.value === "" + value && (isFileInput || vnode.dom === activeElement(vnode.dom))) return; if (vnode.tag === "select" && old !== null && vnode.dom.value === "" + value) return; if (vnode.tag === "option" && old !== null && vnode.dom.value === "" + value) return; if (isFileInput && "" + value !== "") { console.error("`value` is read-only on file inputs!"); return; } } vnode.dom[key] = value; } else { if (typeof value === "boolean") { if (value) vnode.dom.setAttribute(key, ""); else vnode.dom.removeAttribute(key); } else vnode.dom.setAttribute(key === "className" ? "class" : key, value); } } function removeAttr(vnode, key, old, ns) { if (key === "key" || key === "is" || old == null || isLifecycleMethod(key)) return; if (key[0] === "o" && key[1] === "n") updateEvent(vnode, key, undefined); else if (key === "style") updateStyle(vnode.dom, old, null); else if (hasPropertyKey(vnode, key, ns) && key !== "className" && key !== "title" && !(key === "value" && (vnode.tag === "option" || vnode.tag === "select" && vnode.dom.selectedIndex === -1 && vnode.dom === activeElement(vnode.dom))) && !(vnode.tag === "input" && key === "type")) { vnode.dom[key] = null; } else { var nsLastIndex = key.indexOf(":"); if (nsLastIndex !== -1) key = key.slice(nsLastIndex + 1); if (old !== false) vnode.dom.removeAttribute(key === "className" ? "class" : key); } } function setLateSelectAttrs(vnode, attrs) { if ("value" in attrs) { if (attrs.value === null) { if (vnode.dom.selectedIndex !== -1) vnode.dom.value = null; } else { var normalized = "" + attrs.value; if (vnode.dom.value !== normalized || vnode.dom.selectedIndex === -1) { vnode.dom.value = normalized; } } } if ("selectedIndex" in attrs) setAttr(vnode, "selectedIndex", null, attrs.selectedIndex, undefined); } function updateAttrs(vnode, old, attrs, ns) { if (old && old === attrs) { console.warn("Don't reuse attrs object, use new object for every redraw, this will throw in next major"); } if (attrs != null) { if (vnode.tag === "input" && attrs.type != null) vnode.dom.setAttribute("type", attrs.type); var isFileInput = vnode.tag === "input" && attrs.type === "file"; for (var key in attrs) { setAttr(vnode, key, old && old[key], attrs[key], ns, isFileInput); } } var val; if (old != null) { for (var key in old) { if ((val = old[key]) != null && (attrs == null || attrs[key] == null)) { removeAttr(vnode, key, val, ns); } } } } function isFormAttribute(vnode, attr) { return attr === "value" || attr === "checked" || attr === "selectedIndex" || attr === "selected" && vnode.dom === activeElement(vnode.dom) || vnode.tag === "option" && vnode.dom.parentNode === activeElement(vnode.dom); } function isLifecycleMethod(attr) { return attr === "oninit" || attr === "oncreate" || attr === "onupdate" || attr === "onremove" || attr === "onbeforeremove" || attr === "onbeforeupdate"; } function hasPropertyKey(vnode, key, ns) { return ns === undefined && (vnode.tag.indexOf("-") > -1 || vnode.attrs != null && || key !== "href" && key !== "list" && key !== "form" && key !== "width" && key !== "height") && key in vnode.dom; } var uppercaseRegex = /[A-Z]/g; function toLowerCase(capital) { return "-" + capital.toLowerCase(); } function normalizeKey(key) { return key[0] === "-" && key[1] === "-" ? key : key === "cssFloat" ? "float" : key.replace(uppercaseRegex, toLowerCase); } function updateStyle(element, old, style) { if (old === style) { } else if (style == null) { = ""; } else if (typeof style !== "object") { = style; } else if (old == null || typeof old !== "object") { = ""; for (var key in style) { var value = style[key]; if (value != null), String(value)); } } else { for (var key in style) { var value = style[key]; if (value != null && (value = String(value)) !== String(old[key])) {, value); } } for (var key in old) { if (old[key] != null && style[key] == null) {; } } } } function EventDict() { this._ = currentRedraw; } EventDict.prototype = Object.create(null); EventDict.prototype.handleEvent = function(ev) { var handler = this["on" + ev.type]; var result; if (typeof handler === "function") result =, ev); else if (typeof handler.handleEvent === "function") handler.handleEvent(ev); if (this._ && ev.redraw !== false) (0, this._)(); if (result === false) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } }; function updateEvent(vnode, key, value) { if ( != null) { = currentRedraw; if ([key] === value) return; if (value != null && (typeof value === "function" || typeof value === "object")) { if ([key] == null) vnode.dom.addEventListener(key.slice(2),, false);[key] = value; } else { if ([key] != null) vnode.dom.removeEventListener(key.slice(2),, false);[key] = undefined; } } else if (value != null && (typeof value === "function" || typeof value === "object")) { = new EventDict; vnode.dom.addEventListener(key.slice(2),, false);[key] = value; } } function initLifecycle(source, vnode, hooks) { if (typeof source.oninit === "function"), vnode); if (typeof source.oncreate === "function") hooks.push(callHook.bind(source.oncreate, vnode)); } function updateLifecycle(source, vnode, hooks) { if (typeof source.onupdate === "function") hooks.push(callHook.bind(source.onupdate, vnode)); } function shouldNotUpdate(vnode, old) { do { if (vnode.attrs != null && typeof vnode.attrs.onbeforeupdate === "function") { var force =, vnode, old); if (force !== undefined && !force) break; } if (typeof vnode.tag !== "string" && typeof vnode.state.onbeforeupdate === "function") { var force =, vnode, old); if (force !== undefined && !force) break; } return false; } while (false); vnode.dom = old.dom; vnode.domSize = old.domSize; vnode.instance = old.instance; vnode.attrs = old.attrs; vnode.children = old.children; vnode.text = old.text; return true; } var currentDOM; return function(dom, vnodes, redraw) { if (!dom) throw new TypeError("DOM element being rendered to does not exist."); if (currentDOM != null && dom.contains(currentDOM)) { throw new TypeError("Node is currently being rendered to and thus is locked."); } var prevRedraw = currentRedraw; var prevDOM = currentDOM; var hooks = []; var active = activeElement(dom); var namespace = dom.namespaceURI; currentDOM = dom; currentRedraw = typeof redraw === "function" ? redraw : undefined; currentRender = {}; try { if (dom.vnodes == null) dom.textContent = ""; vnodes = Vnode.normalizeChildren(Array.isArray(vnodes) ? vnodes : [vnodes]); updateNodes(dom, dom.vnodes, vnodes, hooks, null, namespace === "" ? undefined : namespace); dom.vnodes = vnodes; if (active != null && activeElement(dom) !== active && typeof active.focus === "function") active.focus(); for (var i = 0;i < hooks.length; i++) hooks[i](); } finally { currentRedraw = prevRedraw; currentDOM = prevDOM; } }; }; }); // node_modules/mithril/render.js var require_render2 = __commonJS((exports, module) => { module.exports = require_render()(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : null); }); // node_modules/mithril/api/mount-redraw.js var require_mount_redraw = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var Vnode = require_vnode(); module.exports = function(render, schedule, console2) { var subscriptions = []; var pending = false; var offset = -1; function sync() { for (offset = 0;offset < subscriptions.length; offset += 2) { try { render(subscriptions[offset], Vnode(subscriptions[offset + 1]), redraw); } catch (e) { console2.error(e); } } offset = -1; } function redraw() { if (!pending) { pending = true; schedule(function() { pending = false; sync(); }); } } redraw.sync = sync; function mount(root, component) { if (component != null && component.view == null && typeof component !== "function") { throw new TypeError("m.mount expects a component, not a vnode."); } var index = subscriptions.indexOf(root); if (index >= 0) { subscriptions.splice(index, 2); if (index <= offset) offset -= 2; render(root, []); } if (component != null) { subscriptions.push(root, component); render(root, Vnode(component), redraw); } } return { mount, redraw }; }; }); // node_modules/mithril/mount-redraw.js var require_mount_redraw2 = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var render = require_render2(); module.exports = require_mount_redraw()(render, typeof requestAnimationFrame !== "undefined" ? requestAnimationFrame : null, typeof console !== "undefined" ? console : null); }); // node_modules/mithril/querystring/build.js var require_build = __commonJS((exports, module) => { module.exports = function(object) { if ( !== "[object Object]") return ""; var args = []; for (var key in object) { destructure(key, object[key]); } return args.join("&"); function destructure(key2, value) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { for (var i = 0;i < value.length; i++) { destructure(key2 + "[" + i + "]", value[i]); } } else if ( === "[object Object]") { for (var i in value) { destructure(key2 + "[" + i + "]", value[i]); } } else args.push(encodeURIComponent(key2) + (value != null && value !== "" ? "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) : "")); } }; }); // node_modules/mithril/util/assign.js var require_assign = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var hasOwn = require_hasOwn(); module.exports = Object.assign || function(target, source) { for (var key in source) { if (, key)) target[key] = source[key]; } }; }); // node_modules/mithril/pathname/build.js var require_build2 = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var buildQueryString = require_build(); var assign = require_assign(); module.exports = function(template, params) { if (/:([^\/\.-]+)(\.{3})?:/.test(template)) { throw new SyntaxError("Template parameter names must be separated by either a '/', '-', or '.'."); } if (params == null) return template; var queryIndex = template.indexOf("?"); var hashIndex = template.indexOf("#"); var queryEnd = hashIndex < 0 ? template.length : hashIndex; var pathEnd = queryIndex < 0 ? queryEnd : queryIndex; var path = template.slice(0, pathEnd); var query = {}; assign(query, params); var resolved = path.replace(/:([^\/\.-]+)(\.{3})?/g, function(m, key, variadic) { delete query[key]; if (params[key] == null) return m; return variadic ? params[key] : encodeURIComponent(String(params[key])); }); var newQueryIndex = resolved.indexOf("?"); var newHashIndex = resolved.indexOf("#"); var newQueryEnd = newHashIndex < 0 ? resolved.length : newHashIndex; var newPathEnd = newQueryIndex < 0 ? newQueryEnd : newQueryIndex; var result = resolved.slice(0, newPathEnd); if (queryIndex >= 0) result += template.slice(queryIndex, queryEnd); if (newQueryIndex >= 0) result += (queryIndex < 0 ? "?" : "&") + resolved.slice(newQueryIndex, newQueryEnd); var querystring = buildQueryString(query); if (querystring) result += (queryIndex < 0 && newQueryIndex < 0 ? "?" : "&") + querystring; if (hashIndex >= 0) result += template.slice(hashIndex); if (newHashIndex >= 0) result += (hashIndex < 0 ? "" : "&") + resolved.slice(newHashIndex); return result; }; }); // node_modules/mithril/request/request.js var require_request = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var buildPathname = require_build2(); var hasOwn = require_hasOwn(); module.exports = function($window, oncompletion) { function PromiseProxy(executor) { return new Promise(executor); } function makeRequest(url, args) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { url = buildPathname(url, args.params); var method = args.method != null ? args.method.toUpperCase() : "GET"; var body = args.body; var assumeJSON = (args.serialize == null || args.serialize === JSON.serialize) && !(body instanceof $window.FormData || body instanceof $window.URLSearchParams); var responseType = args.responseType || (typeof args.extract === "function" ? "" : "json"); var xhr = new $window.XMLHttpRequest, aborted = false, isTimeout = false; var original = xhr, replacedAbort; var abort = xhr.abort; xhr.abort = function() { aborted = true;; };, url, args.async !== false, typeof args.user === "string" ? args.user : undefined, typeof args.password === "string" ? args.password : undefined); if (assumeJSON && body != null && !hasHeader(args, "content-type")) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); } if (typeof args.deserialize !== "function" && !hasHeader(args, "accept")) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json, text/*"); } if (args.withCredentials) xhr.withCredentials = args.withCredentials; if (args.timeout) xhr.timeout = args.timeout; xhr.responseType = responseType; for (var key in args.headers) { if (, key)) { xhr.setRequestHeader(key, args.headers[key]); } } xhr.onreadystatechange = function(ev) { if (aborted) return; if ( === 4) { try { var success = >= 200 && < 300 || === 304 || /^file:\/\//i.test(url); var response =, message; if (responseType === "json") { if (! && typeof args.extract !== "function") { try { response = JSON.parse(; } catch (e) { response = null; } } } else if (!responseType || responseType === "text") { if (response == null) response =; } if (typeof args.extract === "function") { response = args.extract(, args); success = true; } else if (typeof args.deserialize === "function") { response = args.deserialize(response); } if (success) { if (typeof args.type === "function") { if (Array.isArray(response)) { for (var i = 0;i < response.length; i++) { response[i] = new args.type(response[i]); } } else response = new args.type(response); } resolve(response); } else { var completeErrorResponse = function() { try { message =; } catch (e) { message = response; } var error = new Error(message); error.code =; error.response = response; reject(error); }; if (xhr.status === 0) { setTimeout(function() { if (isTimeout) return; completeErrorResponse(); }); } else completeErrorResponse(); } } catch (e) { reject(e); } } }; xhr.ontimeout = function(ev) { isTimeout = true; var error = new Error("Request timed out"); error.code =; reject(error); }; if (typeof args.config === "function") { xhr = args.config(xhr, args, url) || xhr; if (xhr !== original) { replacedAbort = xhr.abort; xhr.abort = function() { aborted = true;; }; } } if (body == null) xhr.send(); else if (typeof args.serialize === "function") xhr.send(args.serialize(body)); else if (body instanceof $window.FormData || body instanceof $window.URLSearchParams) xhr.send(body); else xhr.send(JSON.stringify(body)); }); } PromiseProxy.prototype = Promise.prototype; PromiseProxy.__proto__ = Promise; function hasHeader(args, name) { for (var key in args.headers) { if (, key) && key.toLowerCase() === name) return true; } return false; } return { request: function(url, args) { if (typeof url !== "string") { args = url; url = url.url; } else if (args == null) args = {}; var promise = makeRequest(url, args); if (args.background === true) return promise; var count = 0; function complete() { if (--count === 0 && typeof oncompletion === "function") oncompletion(); } return wrap(promise); function wrap(promise2) { var then = promise2.then; promise2.constructor = PromiseProxy; promise2.then = function() { count++; var next = then.apply(promise2, arguments); next.then(complete, function(e) { complete(); if (count === 0) throw e; }); return wrap(next); }; return promise2; } } }; }; }); // node_modules/mithril/request.js var require_request2 = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var mountRedraw = require_mount_redraw2(); module.exports = require_request()(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : null, mountRedraw.redraw); }); // node_modules/mithril/querystring/parse.js var require_parse = __commonJS((exports, module) => { function decodeURIComponentSave(str) { try { return decodeURIComponent(str); } catch (err) { return str; } } module.exports = function(string) { if (string === "" || string == null) return {}; if (string.charAt(0) === "?") string = string.slice(1); var entries = string.split("&"), counters = {}, data = {}; for (var i = 0;i < entries.length; i++) { var entry = entries[i].split("="); var key = decodeURIComponentSave(entry[0]); var value = entry.length === 2 ? decodeURIComponentSave(entry[1]) : ""; if (value === "true") value = true; else if (value === "false") value = false; var levels = key.split(/\]\[?|\[/); var cursor = data; if (key.indexOf("[") > -1) levels.pop(); for (var j = 0;j < levels.length; j++) { var level = levels[j], nextLevel = levels[j + 1]; var isNumber = nextLevel == "" || !isNaN(parseInt(nextLevel, 10)); if (level === "") { var key = levels.slice(0, j).join(); if (counters[key] == null) { counters[key] = Array.isArray(cursor) ? cursor.length : 0; } level = counters[key]++; } else if (level === "__proto__") break; if (j === levels.length - 1) cursor[level] = value; else { var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(cursor, level); if (desc != null) desc = desc.value; if (desc == null) cursor[level] = desc = isNumber ? [] : {}; cursor = desc; } } } return data; }; }); // node_modules/mithril/pathname/parse.js var require_parse2 = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var parseQueryString = require_parse(); module.exports = function(url) { var queryIndex = url.indexOf("?"); var hashIndex = url.indexOf("#"); var queryEnd = hashIndex < 0 ? url.length : hashIndex; var pathEnd = queryIndex < 0 ? queryEnd : queryIndex; var path = url.slice(0, pathEnd).replace(/\/{2,}/g, "/"); if (!path) path = "/"; else { if (path[0] !== "/") path = "/" + path; } return { path, params: queryIndex < 0 ? {} : parseQueryString(url.slice(queryIndex + 1, queryEnd)) }; }; }); // node_modules/mithril/pathname/compileTemplate.js var require_compileTemplate = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var parsePathname = require_parse2(); module.exports = function(template) { var templateData = parsePathname(template); var templateKeys = Object.keys(templateData.params); var keys = []; var regexp = new RegExp("^" + templateData.path.replace(/:([^\/.-]+)(\.{3}|\.(?!\.)|-)?|[\\^$*+.()|\[\]{}]/g, function(m, key, extra) { if (key == null) return "\\" + m; keys.push({ k: key, r: extra === "..." }); if (extra === "...") return "(.*)"; if (extra === ".") return "([^/]+)\\."; return "([^/]+)" + (extra || ""); }) + "$"); return function(data) { for (var i = 0;i < templateKeys.length; i++) { if (templateData.params[templateKeys[i]] !== data.params[templateKeys[i]]) return false; } if (!keys.length) return regexp.test(data.path); var values = regexp.exec(data.path); if (values == null) return false; for (var i = 0;i < keys.length; i++) { data.params[keys[i].k] = keys[i].r ? values[i + 1] : decodeURIComponent(values[i + 1]); } return true; }; }; }); // node_modules/mithril/util/censor.js var require_censor = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var hasOwn = require_hasOwn(); var magic = new RegExp("^(?:key|oninit|oncreate|onbeforeupdate|onupdate|onbeforeremove|onremove)$"); module.exports = function(attrs, extras) { var result = {}; if (extras != null) { for (var key in attrs) { if (, key) && !magic.test(key) && extras.indexOf(key) < 0) { result[key] = attrs[key]; } } } else { for (var key in attrs) { if (, key) && !magic.test(key)) { result[key] = attrs[key]; } } } return result; }; }); // node_modules/mithril/api/router.js var require_router = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var Vnode = require_vnode(); var m = require_hyperscript(); var buildPathname = require_build2(); var parsePathname = require_parse2(); var compileTemplate = require_compileTemplate(); var assign = require_assign(); var censor = require_censor(); var sentinel = {}; function decodeURIComponentSave(component) { try { return decodeURIComponent(component); } catch (e) { return component; } } module.exports = function($window, mountRedraw) { var callAsync = $window == null ? null : typeof $window.setImmediate === "function" ? $window.setImmediate : $window.setTimeout; var p = Promise.resolve(); var scheduled = false; var ready = false; var state = 0; var compiled, fallbackRoute; var currentResolver = sentinel, component, attrs, currentPath, lastUpdate; var RouterRoot = { onbeforeupdate: function() { state = state ? 2 : 1; return !(!state || sentinel === currentResolver); }, onremove: function() { $window.removeEventListener("popstate", fireAsync, false); $window.removeEventListener("hashchange", resolveRoute, false); }, view: function() { if (!state || sentinel === currentResolver) return; var vnode = [Vnode(component, attrs.key, attrs)]; if (currentResolver) vnode = currentResolver.render(vnode[0]); return vnode; } }; var SKIP = route.SKIP = {}; function resolveRoute() { scheduled = false; var prefix = $window.location.hash; if (route.prefix[0] !== "#") { prefix = $ + prefix; if (route.prefix[0] !== "?") { prefix = $window.location.pathname + prefix; if (prefix[0] !== "/") prefix = "/" + prefix; } } var path = prefix.concat().replace(/(?:%[a-f89][a-f0-9])+/gim, decodeURIComponentSave).slice(route.prefix.length); var data = parsePathname(path); assign(data.params, $window.history.state); function reject(e) { console.error(e); setPath(fallbackRoute, null, { replace: true }); } loop(0); function loop(i) { for (;i < compiled.length; i++) { if (compiled[i].check(data)) { var payload = compiled[i].component; var matchedRoute = compiled[i].route; var localComp = payload; var update = lastUpdate = function(comp) { if (update !== lastUpdate) return; if (comp === SKIP) return loop(i + 1); component = comp != null && (typeof comp.view === "function" || typeof comp === "function") ? comp : "div"; attrs = data.params, currentPath = path, lastUpdate = null; currentResolver = payload.render ? payload : null; if (state === 2) mountRedraw.redraw(); else { state = 2; mountRedraw.redraw.sync(); } }; if (payload.view || typeof payload === "function") { payload = {}; update(localComp); } else if (payload.onmatch) { p.then(function() { return payload.onmatch(data.params, path, matchedRoute); }).then(update, path === fallbackRoute ? null : reject); } else update("div"); return; } } if (path === fallbackRoute) { throw new Error("Could not resolve default route " + fallbackRoute + "."); } setPath(fallbackRoute, null, { replace: true }); } } function fireAsync() { if (!scheduled) { scheduled = true; callAsync(resolveRoute); } } function setPath(path, data, options) { path = buildPathname(path, data); if (ready) { fireAsync(); var state2 = options ? options.state : null; var title = options ? options.title : null; if (options && options.replace) $window.history.replaceState(state2, title, route.prefix + path); else $window.history.pushState(state2, title, route.prefix + path); } else { $window.location.href = route.prefix + path; } } function route(root, defaultRoute, routes) { if (!root) throw new TypeError("DOM element being rendered to does not exist."); compiled = Object.keys(routes).map(function(route2) { if (route2[0] !== "/") throw new SyntaxError("Routes must start with a '/'."); if (/:([^\/\.-]+)(\.{3})?:/.test(route2)) { throw new SyntaxError("Route parameter names must be separated with either '/', '.', or '-'."); } return { route: route2, component: routes[route2], check: compileTemplate(route2) }; }); fallbackRoute = defaultRoute; if (defaultRoute != null) { var defaultData = parsePathname(defaultRoute); if (!compiled.some(function(i) { return i.check(defaultData); })) { throw new ReferenceError("Default route doesn't match any known routes."); } } if (typeof $window.history.pushState === "function") { $window.addEventListener("popstate", fireAsync, false); } else if (route.prefix[0] === "#") { $window.addEventListener("hashchange", resolveRoute, false); } ready = true; mountRedraw.mount(root, RouterRoot); resolveRoute(); } route.set = function(path, data, options) { if (lastUpdate != null) { options = options || {}; options.replace = true; } lastUpdate = null; setPath(path, data, options); }; route.get = function() { return currentPath; }; route.prefix = "#!"; route.Link = { view: function(vnode) { var child = m(vnode.attrs.selector || "a", censor(vnode.attrs, ["options", "params", "selector", "onclick"]), vnode.children); var options, onclick, href; if (child.attrs.disabled = Boolean(child.attrs.disabled)) { child.attrs.href = null; child.attrs["aria-disabled"] = "true"; } else { options = vnode.attrs.options; onclick = vnode.attrs.onclick; href = buildPathname(child.attrs.href, vnode.attrs.params); child.attrs.href = route.prefix + href; child.attrs.onclick = function(e) { var result; if (typeof onclick === "function") { result =, e); } else if (onclick == null || typeof onclick !== "object") { } else if (typeof onclick.handleEvent === "function") { onclick.handleEvent(e); } if (result !== false && !e.defaultPrevented && (e.button === 0 || e.which === 0 || e.which === 1) && (! || === "_self") && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey) { e.preventDefault(); e.redraw = false; route.set(href, null, options); } }; } return child; } }; route.param = function(key) { return attrs && key != null ? attrs[key] : attrs; }; return route; }; }); // node_modules/mithril/route.js var require_route = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var mountRedraw = require_mount_redraw2(); module.exports = require_router()(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : null, mountRedraw); }); // node_modules/mithril/index.js var require_mithril = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var hyperscript = require_hyperscript2(); var request = require_request2(); var mountRedraw = require_mount_redraw2(); var domFor = require_domFor(); var m = function m() { return hyperscript.apply(this, arguments); }; m.m = hyperscript; =; m.fragment = hyperscript.fragment; m.Fragment = "["; m.mount = mountRedraw.mount; m.route = require_route(); m.render = require_render2(); m.redraw = mountRedraw.redraw; m.request = request.request; m.parseQueryString = require_parse(); m.buildQueryString = require_build(); m.parsePathname = require_parse2(); m.buildPathname = require_build2(); m.vnode = require_vnode(); m.censor = require_censor(); m.domFor = domFor.domFor; module.exports = m; }); // frontend/index.js var import_mithril = __toESM(require_mithril(), 1); // frontend/websocket.js function createWebSocket() { let appUrl = "undefined"; appUrl = `//${appUrl}/chat-service`; return new WebSocket(appUrl); } // frontend/index.js var messages = []; var socket = createWebSocket(); socket.onmessage = function(event) { if (event.type === "message") { const message = JSON.parse(; messages.push(message); import_mithril.default.redraw(); } }; function newMessageText(name, message) { return [ import_mithril.default("span.chatter", name + ": "), import_mithril.default("span.chatter-message", message) ]; } var MessageBox = { view: function() { return import_mithril.default(".messages", { id: "message-box" }, messages.reverse().map(function(message) { return import_mithril.default(".message", newMessageText(message.chatter, message.message)); }), import_mithril.default("#anchor")); } }; function clearMessageInputBox() { const messageBox = document.getElementById("message"); messageBox.value = ""; } function sendMessage(e) { e.preventDefault(); const form = new FormData(; const message = {}; for (const [key, value] of form.entries()) { message[key] = value; } socket.send(JSON.stringify(message)); clearMessageInputBox(); } var MessageInput = { view: function() { return import_mithril.default("", [ import_mithril.default("form", { method: "post", onsubmit: sendMessage }, [ import_mithril.default("input", { name: "chatter", placeholder: "Name" }), import_mithril.default("input", { name: "message", placeholder: "Message", id: "message", required: true }), import_mithril.default("input", { type: "submit", value: "Send" }) ]) ]); } }; var Chat = { view: function(vnode) { return import_mithril.default("div", [ import_mithril.default(MessageBox), import_mithril.default(MessageInput) ]); } }; import_mithril.default.mount(document.getElementById("app"), Chat);