import * as path from "node:path"; import * as expressHandlebars from "../lib/index"; import type { TemplateDelegateObject, EngineOptions, } from "../types"; function fixturePath (filePath = "") { return path.resolve(__dirname, "./fixtures", filePath); } // allow access to private functions for testing // /* eslint-disable dot-notation, @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function */ describe("express-handlebars", () => { test("ExpressHandlebars instance", () => { const exphbs = new expressHandlebars.ExpressHandlebars(); expect(exphbs).toBeDefined(); }); test("should nomalize extname", () => { const exphbs1 = expressHandlebars.create({ extname: "ext" }); const exphbs2 = expressHandlebars.create({ extname: ".ext" }); expect(exphbs1.extname).toBe(".ext"); expect(exphbs2.extname).toBe(".ext"); }); describe("getPartials", () => { test("should throw if partialsDir is not correct type", async () => { // @ts-expect-error partialsDir is invalid const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ partialsDir: 1 }); let error: Error | undefined; try { await exphbs.getPartials(); } catch (e) { error = e; } expect(error).toEqual(expect.any(Error)); expect(error?.message).toBe("A partials dir must be a string or config object"); }); test("should return empty object if no partialsDir is defined", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const partials = await exphbs.getPartials(); expect(partials).toEqual({}); }); test("should return empty object partialsDir does not exist", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ partialsDir: "does-not-exist" }); const partials = await exphbs.getPartials(); expect(partials).toEqual({}); }); test("should return partials on string", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ partialsDir: fixturePath("partials") }); const partials = await exphbs.getPartials(); expect(partials).toEqual({ partial: expect.any(Function), "partial-latin1": expect.any(Function), "subdir/partial-subdir": expect.any(Function), }); }); test("should return partials on array", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ partialsDir: [fixturePath("partials")] }); const partials = await exphbs.getPartials(); expect(partials).toEqual({ partial: expect.any(Function), "partial-latin1": expect.any(Function), "subdir/partial-subdir": expect.any(Function), }); }); test("should return partials on object", async () => { const fn = jest.fn(); const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ partialsDir: { templates: { "partial template": fn }, namespace: "partial namespace", dir: fixturePath("partials"), }, }); const partials = await exphbs.getPartials(); expect(partials).toEqual({ "partial namespace/partial template": fn, }); }); test("should return renamed partials with rename function", async () => { const fn = jest.fn(); const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ partialsDir: { templates: { "partial/template": fn }, namespace: "partial namespace", dir: fixturePath("partials"), rename: (filePath, namespace) => { return `${namespace}/${filePath.split("/")[0]}`; }, }, }); const partials = await exphbs.getPartials(); expect(partials).toEqual({ "partial namespace/partial": fn, }); }); test("should return partials on path relative to cwd", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ partialsDir: "spec/fixtures/partials" }); const partials = await exphbs.getPartials(); expect(partials).toEqual({ partial: expect.any(Function), "partial-latin1": expect.any(Function), "subdir/partial-subdir": expect.any(Function), }); }); test("should return template function", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ partialsDir: "spec/fixtures/partials" }); const partials = await exphbs.getPartials() as TemplateDelegateObject; const html = partials.partial({ text: "test text" }); expect(html).toBe("partial test text"); }); test("should return a template with encoding", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ partialsDir: "spec/fixtures/partials" }); const partials = await exphbs.getPartials({ encoding: "latin1" }) as TemplateDelegateObject; const html = partials["partial-latin1"]({}); expect(html).toContain("ñáéíóú"); }); test("should return a template with default encoding", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ encoding: "latin1", partialsDir: "spec/fixtures/partials", }); const partials = await exphbs.getPartials() as TemplateDelegateObject; const html = partials["partial-latin1"]({}); expect(html).toContain("ñáéíóú"); }); }); describe("getTemplate", () => { test("should return cached template", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const filePath = fixturePath("templates/template.handlebars"); const compiledCachedFunction = (() => "compiled") as Handlebars.TemplateDelegate; exphbs.compiled[filePath] = Promise.resolve(compiledCachedFunction); const precompiledCachedFunction = (() => "precompiled") as TemplateSpecification; exphbs.precompiled[filePath] = Promise.resolve(precompiledCachedFunction); const template = await exphbs.getTemplate(filePath, { cache: true }); expect(template).toBe(compiledCachedFunction); }); test("should return precompiled cached template", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const filePath = fixturePath("templates/template.handlebars"); const compiledCachedFunction = (() => "compiled") as Handlebars.TemplateDelegate; exphbs.compiled[filePath] = Promise.resolve(compiledCachedFunction); const precompiledCachedFunction = (() => "precompiled") as TemplateSpecification; exphbs.precompiled[filePath] = Promise.resolve(precompiledCachedFunction); const template = await exphbs.getTemplate(filePath, { precompiled: true, cache: true }); expect(template).toBe(precompiledCachedFunction); }); test("should store in precompiled cache", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const filePath = fixturePath("templates/template.handlebars"); expect(exphbs.compiled[filePath]).toBeUndefined(); expect(exphbs.precompiled[filePath]).toBeUndefined(); await exphbs.getTemplate(filePath, { precompiled: true }); expect(exphbs.compiled[filePath]).toBeUndefined(); expect(exphbs.precompiled[filePath]).toBeDefined(); }); test("should store in compiled cache", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const filePath = fixturePath("templates/template.handlebars"); expect(exphbs.compiled[filePath]).toBeUndefined(); expect(exphbs.precompiled[filePath]).toBeUndefined(); await exphbs.getTemplate(filePath); expect(exphbs.compiled[filePath]).toBeDefined(); expect(exphbs.precompiled[filePath]).toBeUndefined(); }); test("should return a template", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const filePath = fixturePath("templates/template.handlebars"); const template = await exphbs.getTemplate(filePath) as HandlebarsTemplateDelegate; const html = template({ text: "test text" }); expect(html).toBe("

test text

"); }); test("should return a template with encoding", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const filePath = fixturePath("templates/template-latin1.handlebars"); const template = await exphbs.getTemplate(filePath, { encoding: "latin1" }) as HandlebarsTemplateDelegate; const html = template({}); expect(html).toContain("ñáéíóú"); }); test("should return a template with default encoding", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ encoding: "latin1" }); const filePath = fixturePath("templates/template-latin1.handlebars"); const template = await exphbs.getTemplate(filePath) as HandlebarsTemplateDelegate; const html = template({}); expect(html).toContain("ñáéíóú"); }); test("should not store in cache on error", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const filePath = "does-not-exist"; expect(exphbs.compiled[filePath]).toBeUndefined(); let error: Error | undefined; try { await exphbs.getTemplate(filePath); } catch (e) { error = e; } expect(error?.message).toEqual(expect.stringContaining("no such file or directory")); expect(exphbs.compiled[filePath]).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe("getTemplates", () => { test("should return cached templates", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const dirPath = fixturePath("templates"); const fsCache = Promise.resolve([]); exphbs._fsCache[dirPath] = fsCache; const templates = await exphbs.getTemplates(dirPath, { cache: true }); expect(templates).toEqual({}); }); test("should return templates", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const dirPath = fixturePath("templates"); const templates = await exphbs.getTemplates(dirPath); const html = templates["template.handlebars"]({ text: "test text" }); expect(html).toBe("

test text

"); }); test("should get templates in sub directories", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const dirPath = fixturePath("templates"); const templates = await exphbs.getTemplates(dirPath); const paths = Object.keys(templates); expect(paths).toEqual([ "template.handlebars", "template-latin1.handlebars", "subdir/template.handlebars", ]); }); }); describe("render", () => { test("should return cached templates", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const filePath = fixturePath("render-cached.handlebars"); exphbs.compiled[filePath] = Promise.resolve(() => "cached"); const html = await exphbs.render(filePath, undefined, { cache: true }); expect(html).toBe("cached"); }); test("should use helpers", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ helpers: { help: () => "help", }, }); const filePath = fixturePath("render-helper.handlebars"); const html = await exphbs.render(filePath, { text: "test text" }); expect(html).toBe("


"); }); test("should override helpers", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ helpers: { help: () => "help", }, }); const filePath = fixturePath("render-helper.handlebars"); const html = await exphbs.render(filePath, { text: "test text" }, { helpers: { help: (text: string) => text, }, }); expect(html).toBe("

test text

"); }); test("should return html", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const filePath = fixturePath("render-text.handlebars"); const html = await exphbs.render(filePath, { text: "test text" }); expect(html).toBe("

test text

"); }); test("should return html with encoding", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ partialsDir: fixturePath("partials"), }); const filePath = fixturePath("render-latin1.handlebars"); const html = await exphbs.render(filePath, undefined, { encoding: "latin1" }); expect(html).toContain("partial ñáéíóú"); expect(html).toContain("render ñáéíóú"); }); test("should return html with default encoding", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ encoding: "latin1", partialsDir: fixturePath("partials"), }); const filePath = fixturePath("render-latin1.handlebars"); const html = await exphbs.render(filePath); expect(html).toContain("partial ñáéíóú"); expect(html).toContain("render ñáéíóú"); }); test("should render with partial", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ partialsDir: fixturePath("partials"), }); const filePath = fixturePath("render-partial.handlebars"); const html = await exphbs.render(filePath, { text: "test text" }); expect(html.replace(/\r/g, "")).toBe("

partial test text


test text

"); }); test("should render with subdir/partial", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ partialsDir: fixturePath("partials"), }); const filePath = fixturePath("render-subdir-partial.handlebars"); const html = await exphbs.render(filePath, { text: "test text" }); expect(html.replace(/\r/g, "")).toBe("

subdir partial test text


test text

"); }); test("should render with runtimeOptions", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ runtimeOptions: { allowProtoPropertiesByDefault: true }, }); const filePath = fixturePath("test"); const spy = jest.fn(() => { return "test"; }) as Handlebars.TemplateDelegate; exphbs.compiled[filePath] = Promise.resolve(spy); await exphbs.render(filePath, undefined, { cache: true }); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.any(Object), expect.objectContaining({ allowProtoPropertiesByDefault: true })); }); test("should override runtimeOptions", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ runtimeOptions: { allowProtoPropertiesByDefault: true }, }); const filePath = fixturePath("test"); const spy = jest.fn(() => { return "test"; }) as Handlebars.TemplateDelegate; exphbs.compiled[filePath] = Promise.resolve(spy); await exphbs.render(filePath, undefined, { cache: true, runtimeOptions: { allowProtoPropertiesByDefault: false }, }); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.any(Object), expect.objectContaining({ allowProtoPropertiesByDefault: false })); }); }); describe("engine", () => { test("should call renderView", async () => { jest.spyOn(expressHandlebars.ExpressHandlebars.prototype, "renderView").mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(null)); const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const cb = () => { /* empty */ }; exphbs.engine("view", {}, cb); expect(expressHandlebars.ExpressHandlebars.prototype.renderView).toHaveBeenCalledWith("view", {}, cb); }); test("should call engine", async () => { jest.spyOn(expressHandlebars.ExpressHandlebars.prototype, "renderView").mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(null)); const cb = () => { /* empty */ }; expressHandlebars.engine()("view", {}, cb); expect(expressHandlebars.ExpressHandlebars.prototype.renderView).toHaveBeenCalledWith("view", {}, cb); }); test("should render html", async () => { const renderView = expressHandlebars.engine({ defaultLayout: undefined }); const viewPath = fixturePath("render-text.handlebars"); const html = await renderView(viewPath, { text: "test text" } as EngineOptions); expect(html).toBe("

test text

"); }); }); describe("renderView", () => { test("should use settings.views", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const viewPath = fixturePath("render-partial.handlebars"); const viewsPath = fixturePath(); const html = await exphbs.renderView(viewPath, { text: "test text", settings: { views: viewsPath }, }); expect(html.replace(/\r/g, "")).toBe("\n

partial test text


test text

\n"); }); test("should use settings.views array", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const viewPath = fixturePath("render-partial.handlebars"); const viewsPath = fixturePath(); const html = await exphbs.renderView(viewPath, { text: "test text", settings: { views: [viewsPath] }, }); expect(html.replace(/\r/g, "")).toBe("\n

partial test text


test text

\n"); }); test("should not use settings.views array when no parent found", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ defaultLayout: undefined }); const viewPath = fixturePath("render-text.handlebars"); const viewsPath = "does-not-exist"; const html = await exphbs.renderView(viewPath, { text: "test text", settings: { views: [viewsPath] }, }); expect(html).toBe("

test text

"); }); test("should use settings.views when it changes", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const viewPath = fixturePath("render-partial.handlebars"); const viewsPath = fixturePath(); const html = await exphbs.renderView(viewPath, { text: "test text", settings: { views: viewsPath }, }); expect(html.replace(/\r/g, "")).toBe("\n

partial test text


test text

\n"); const otherViewsPath = fixturePath("other-views"); const otherhtml = await exphbs.renderView(viewPath, { text: "test text", settings: { views: otherViewsPath }, }); expect(otherhtml.replace(/\r/g, "")).toBe("\nother layout\n

other partial test text


test text

\n"); }); test("should not overwrite config with settings.views", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ layoutsDir: fixturePath("layouts"), partialsDir: fixturePath("partials"), }); const viewPath = fixturePath("render-partial.handlebars"); const viewsPath = fixturePath("other-views"); const html = await exphbs.renderView(viewPath, { text: "test text", settings: { views: viewsPath }, }); expect(html.replace(/\r/g, "")).toBe("\n

partial test text


test text

\n"); }); test("should merge helpers", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ defaultLayout: undefined, helpers: { help: () => "help", }, }); const viewPath = fixturePath("render-helper.handlebars"); const html = await exphbs.renderView(viewPath, { text: "test text", helpers: { help: (text: string) => text, }, }); expect(html).toBe("

test text

"); }); test("should use layout option", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ defaultLayout: undefined }); const layoutPath = fixturePath("layouts/main.handlebars"); const viewPath = fixturePath("render-text.handlebars"); const html = await exphbs.renderView(viewPath, { text: "test text", layout: layoutPath, }); expect(html.replace(/\r/g, "")).toBe("\n

test text

\n"); }); test("should render html", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ defaultLayout: undefined }); const viewPath = fixturePath("render-text.handlebars"); const html = await exphbs.renderView(viewPath, { text: "test text" }); expect(html).toBe("

test text

"); }); test("should render html with encoding", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ defaultLayout: "main-latin1", partialsDir: fixturePath("partials"), layoutsDir: fixturePath("layouts"), }); const viewPath = fixturePath("render-latin1.handlebars"); const html = await exphbs.renderView(viewPath, { encoding: "latin1" }); expect(html).toContain("layout ñáéíóú"); expect(html).toContain("partial ñáéíóú"); expect(html).toContain("render ñáéíóú"); }); test("should render html with default encoding", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ encoding: "latin1", defaultLayout: "main-latin1", partialsDir: fixturePath("partials"), layoutsDir: fixturePath("layouts"), }); const viewPath = fixturePath("render-latin1.handlebars"); const html = await exphbs.renderView(viewPath); expect(html).toContain("layout ñáéíóú"); expect(html).toContain("partial ñáéíóú"); expect(html).toContain("render ñáéíóú"); }); test("should call callback with html", (done) => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ defaultLayout: undefined }); const viewPath = fixturePath("render-text.handlebars"); exphbs.renderView(viewPath, { text: "test text" }, (err: Error|null, html: string|undefined) => { expect(err).toBe(null); expect(html).toBe("

test text

"); done(); }); }); test("should call callback as second parameter", (done) => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ defaultLayout: undefined }); const viewPath = fixturePath("render-text.handlebars"); exphbs.renderView(viewPath, (err: Error|null, html: string|undefined) => { expect(err).toBe(null); expect(html).toBe("

"); done(); }); }); test("should call callback with error", (done) => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ defaultLayout: undefined }); const viewPath = "does-not-exist"; exphbs.renderView(viewPath, {}, (err: Error|null, html: string | undefined) => { expect(err?.message).toEqual(expect.stringContaining("no such file or directory")); expect(html).toBeUndefined(); done(); }); }); test("should reject with error", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ defaultLayout: undefined }); const viewPath = "does-not-exist"; let error: Error | undefined; try { await exphbs.renderView(viewPath); } catch (e) { error = e; } expect(error?.message).toEqual(expect.stringContaining("no such file or directory")); }); test("should use runtimeOptions", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ defaultLayout: undefined }); const filePath = fixturePath("test"); const spy = jest.fn(() => { return "test"; }) as Handlebars.TemplateDelegate; exphbs.compiled[filePath] = Promise.resolve(spy); await exphbs.renderView(filePath, { cache: true, runtimeOptions: { allowProtoPropertiesByDefault: true }, }); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.any(Object), expect.objectContaining({ allowProtoPropertiesByDefault: true })); }); }); describe("resetCache", () => { test("should reset all cache", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const dirPath = fixturePath("templates"); const template = fixturePath("templates/template.handlebars"); await exphbs.getTemplates(dirPath); expect(exphbs._fsCache[template]).toBeDefined(); exphbs.resetCache(); expect(exphbs._fsCache).toEqual({}); }); test("should reset all cache with undefined", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const dirPath = fixturePath("templates"); const template = fixturePath("templates/template.handlebars"); await exphbs.getTemplates(dirPath); expect(exphbs._fsCache[template]).toBeDefined(); let undef: undefined; exphbs.resetCache(undef); expect(exphbs._fsCache).toEqual({}); }); test("should reset cached file path", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const dirPath = fixturePath("templates"); const template = fixturePath("templates/template.handlebars"); await exphbs.getTemplates(dirPath); expect(Object.keys(exphbs._fsCache).length).toEqual(4); expect(exphbs._fsCache[template]).toBeDefined(); exphbs.resetCache(template); expect(Object.keys(exphbs._fsCache).length).toEqual(3); expect(exphbs._fsCache[template]).toBeUndefined(); }); test("should reset cached file paths", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const dirPath = fixturePath("templates"); const template = fixturePath("templates/template.handlebars"); const templateLatin1 = fixturePath("templates/template-latin1.handlebars"); await exphbs.getTemplates(dirPath); expect(Object.keys(exphbs._fsCache).length).toEqual(4); expect(exphbs._fsCache[template]).toBeDefined(); expect(exphbs._fsCache[templateLatin1]).toBeDefined(); exphbs.resetCache([template, templateLatin1]); expect(Object.keys(exphbs._fsCache).length).toEqual(2); expect(exphbs._fsCache[template]).toBeUndefined(); expect(exphbs._fsCache[templateLatin1]).toBeUndefined(); }); test("should reset cached file based on filter", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const dirPath = fixturePath("templates"); const templateLatin1 = fixturePath("templates/template-latin1.handlebars"); await exphbs.getTemplates(dirPath); expect(Object.keys(exphbs._fsCache).length).toEqual(4); expect(exphbs._fsCache[templateLatin1]).toBeDefined(); exphbs.resetCache((f) => f.includes("latin1")); expect(Object.keys(exphbs._fsCache).length).toEqual(3); expect(exphbs._fsCache[templateLatin1]).toBeUndefined(); }); test("should not error on invalid file path", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const dirPath = fixturePath("templates"); const template = fixturePath("templates/invalid.handlebars"); await exphbs.getTemplates(dirPath); expect(Object.keys(exphbs._fsCache).length).toEqual(4); expect(exphbs._fsCache[template]).toBeUndefined(); exphbs.resetCache(template); expect(Object.keys(exphbs._fsCache).length).toEqual(4); expect(exphbs._fsCache[template]).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe("hooks", () => { describe("_compileTemplate", () => { test("should call template with context and options", () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); // @ts-expect-error empty function jest.spyOn(exphbs.handlebars, "compile").mockImplementation(() => {}); const template = "template"; const options = {}; exphbs["_compileTemplate"](template, options); expect(exphbs.handlebars.compile).toHaveBeenCalledWith(template, options); }); test("should trim template", () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); // @ts-expect-error empty function jest.spyOn(exphbs.handlebars, "compile").mockImplementation(() => {}); const template = " template\n"; const options = {}; exphbs["_compileTemplate"](template, options); expect(exphbs.handlebars.compile).toHaveBeenCalledWith("template", options); }); }); describe("_precompileTemplate", () => { test("should call template with context and options", () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); // @ts-expect-error empty function jest.spyOn(exphbs.handlebars, "precompile").mockImplementation(() => {}); const template = "template"; const options = {}; exphbs["_precompileTemplate"](template, options); expect(exphbs.handlebars.precompile).toHaveBeenCalledWith(template, options); }); test("should trim template", () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); // @ts-expect-error empty function jest.spyOn(exphbs.handlebars, "precompile").mockImplementation(() => {}); const template = " template\n"; const options = {}; exphbs["_precompileTemplate"](template, options); expect(exphbs.handlebars.precompile).toHaveBeenCalledWith("template", options); }); }); describe("_renderTemplate", () => { test("should call template with context and options", () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const template = jest.fn(() => ""); const context = {}; const options = {}; exphbs["_renderTemplate"](template, context, options); expect(template).toHaveBeenCalledWith(context, options); }); test("should trim html", () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const template = () => " \n"; const html = exphbs["_renderTemplate"](template); expect(html).toBe(""); }); }); describe("_getDir", () => { test("should get from cache", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const filePath = fixturePath("test"); exphbs._fsCache[filePath] = Promise.resolve(["test"]); const file = await exphbs["_getDir"](filePath, { cache: true }); expect(file).toEqual(["test"]); }); test("should store in cache", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const filePath = fixturePath("templates"); expect(exphbs._fsCache[filePath]).toBeUndefined(); const expected = await exphbs["_getDir"](filePath); expect(exphbs._fsCache[filePath]).toBeInstanceOf(Promise); expect(await exphbs._fsCache[filePath]).toEqual(expected); }); test("should not store in cache on error", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const filePath = "test"; expect(exphbs._fsCache[filePath]).toBeUndefined(); let error: Error | undefined; try { await exphbs["_getDir"](filePath, { // @ts-expect-error Add this just for testing _throwTestError: true, }); } catch (e) { error = e; } expect(error).toBeTruthy(); expect(exphbs._fsCache[filePath]).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe("_getFile", () => { test("should get from cache", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const filePath = fixturePath("test"); exphbs._fsCache[filePath] = "test"; const file = await exphbs["_getFile"](filePath, { cache: true }); expect(file).toBe("test"); }); test("should store in cache", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const filePath = fixturePath("render-text.handlebars"); expect(exphbs._fsCache[filePath]).toBeUndefined(); await exphbs["_getFile"](filePath); expect(exphbs._fsCache[filePath]).toBeDefined(); }); test("should not store in cache on error", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const filePath = "does-not-exist"; expect(exphbs._fsCache[filePath]).toBeUndefined(); let error: Error | undefined; try { await exphbs["_getFile"](filePath); } catch (e) { error = e; } expect(error?.message).toEqual(expect.stringContaining("no such file or directory")); expect(exphbs._fsCache[filePath]).toBeUndefined(); }); test("should read as utf8", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const filePath = fixturePath("render-text.handlebars"); const text = await exphbs["_getFile"](filePath); expect(text.trim()).toBe("


"); }); test("should read as utf8 by default", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ encoding: undefined }); const filePath = fixturePath("render-text.handlebars"); const text = await exphbs["_getFile"](filePath); expect(text.trim()).toBe("


"); }); test("should read as latin1", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const filePath = fixturePath("render-latin1.handlebars"); const text = await exphbs["_getFile"](filePath, { encoding: "latin1" }); expect(text).toContain("ñáéíóú"); }); test("should read as default encoding", async () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ encoding: "latin1" }); const filePath = fixturePath("render-latin1.handlebars"); const text = await exphbs["_getFile"](filePath); expect(text).toContain("ñáéíóú"); }); }); describe("_getTemplateName", () => { test("should remove extension", () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const name = exphbs["_getTemplateName"]("filePath.handlebars"); expect(name).toBe("filePath"); }); test("should leave if no extension", () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const name = exphbs["_getTemplateName"]("filePath"); expect(name).toBe("filePath"); }); test("should add namespace", () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const name = exphbs["_getTemplateName"]("filePath.handlebars", "namespace"); expect(name).toBe("namespace/filePath"); }); }); describe("_resolveViewsPath", () => { test("should return closest parent", () => { const file = "/root/views/file.hbs"; const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const viewsPath = exphbs["_resolveViewsPath"]([ "/root", "/root/views", "/root/views/file", ], file); expect(viewsPath).toBe("/root/views"); }); test("should return string views", () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const viewsPath = exphbs["_resolveViewsPath"]("./views", "filePath.hbs"); expect(viewsPath).toBe("./views"); }); test("should return null views", () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); // @ts-expect-error shouldn't expect null parameter const viewsPath = exphbs["_resolveViewsPath"](null, "filePath.hbs"); expect(viewsPath).toBe(null); }); test("should return null if not found", () => { const file = "/file.hbs"; const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const viewsPath = exphbs["_resolveViewsPath"]([ "/views", ], file); expect(viewsPath).toBe(null); }); }); describe("_resolveLayoutPath", () => { test("should add extension", () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); const layoutPath = exphbs["_resolveLayoutPath"]("filePath"); expect(layoutPath).toEqual(expect.stringMatching(/filePath\.handlebars$/)); }); test("should use layoutsDir", () => { const layoutsDir = fixturePath("layouts"); const filePath = "filePath.handlebars"; const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create({ layoutsDir }); const layoutPath = exphbs["_resolveLayoutPath"](filePath); expect(layoutPath).toBe(path.resolve(layoutsDir, filePath)); }); test("should return null", () => { const exphbs = expressHandlebars.create(); // @ts-expect-error shouldn't expect null parameter const layoutPath = exphbs["_resolveLayoutPath"](null); expect(layoutPath).toBe(null); }); }); }); });